
async Vantage.calculates_check_sums_and_compares_them_with_the_value_saved_in_flash_eprom(TODO_DC_0: int = 0, TODO_DC_1: int = 3000, tip_type: List[int] | None = None, TODO_DC_2: List[int] | None = None, z_deposit_position: List[int] | None = None, minimal_traverse_height_at_begin_of_command: List[int] | None = None, first_pip_channel_node_no: int = 1)#

Calculates check sums and compares them with the value saved in Flash EPROM

  • TODO_DC_0 (int) – (0).

  • TODO_DC_1 (int) – (0).

  • tip_type (List[int] | None) – Tip type (see command TT).

  • TODO_DC_2 (List[int] | None) – (0).

  • z_deposit_position (List[int] | None) – Z deposit position [0.1mm] (collar bearing position).

  • minimal_traverse_height_at_begin_of_command (List[int] | None) – Minimal traverse height at begin of command [0.1mm].

  • first_pip_channel_node_no (int) – First (lower) pip. channel node no. (0 = disabled).