Resources Introduction#

This document introduces PyLabRobot Resources (labware and deck definitions) and general subclasses. You can find more information on creating custom resources in the Defining custom resources section.

In PyLabRobot, a pylabrobot.resources.Resource is a piece of labware or equipment used in a protocol or program, a part of a labware item (such as a Well) or a container of labware items (such as a Deck). All resources inherit from a single base class pylabrobot.resources.Resource that provides most of the functionality, such as the name, sizing, type, model, as well as methods for dealing with state. The name and sizing are required for all resources, with the name being a unique identifier for the resource and the sizing being the x, y and z-dimensions of the resource in millimeters when conceptualized as a cuboid.

While you can instantiate a Resource directly, several subclasses of methods exist to provide additional functionality and model specific resource attributes. For example, a pylabrobot.resources.plate.Plate has methods for easily accessing pylabrobot.resources.Wells.

The relation between resources is modelled by a tree, specifically an arborescence (a directed, rooted tree). The location of a resource in the tree is a Cartesian coordinate and always relative to the bottom front left corner of its immediate parent. The absolute location can be computed using pylabrobot.resources.Resource.get_absolute_location(). The x-axis is left (smaller) and right (larger); the y-axis is front (small) and back (larger); the z-axis is down (smaller) and up (higher). Each resource has children and parent attributes that allow you to navigate the tree.

pylabrobot.machine.Machine is a special type of resource that represents a physical machine, such as a liquid handling robot (pylabrobot.liquid_handling.liquid_handler.LiquidHandler) or a plate reader (pylabrobot.plate_reading.plate_reader.PlateReader). Machines have a backend attribute linking to the backend that is responsible for converting PyLabRobot commands into commands that a specific machine can understand. Other than that, Machines, including pylabrobot.liquid_handling.liquid_handler.LiquidHandler, are just like any other Resource.

Defining a simple resource#

The simplest way to define a resource is to subclass pylabrobot.resources.Resource and define the name and size_x, size_y and size_z attributes. Here’s an example of a simple resource:

from pylabrobot.resources import Resource
resource = Resource(name="resource", size_x=10, size_y=10, size_z=10)

To assign a child resource, you can use the assign_child_resource method:

from pylabrobot.resources import Resource, Coordinate
child = Resource(name="child", size_x=5, size_y=5, size_z=5)
# assign to bottom front left corner of parent
resource.assign_child_resource(child, Coordinate(x=0, y=0, z=0))

Some common subclasses of Resource#

Container: Resources that contain liquid#

Resources that contain liquid are subclasses of pylabrobot.resources.container.Container. This class provides a pylabrobot.resources.volume_tracker.VolumeTracker that helps pylabrobot.liquid_handling.liquid_handler.LiquidHandler keep track of the liquid in the resource. (For more information on trackers, check out Using trackers). Examples of subclasses of Container are pylabrobot.resources.Well and pylabrobot.resources.trough.Trough.

It is possible to instantiate a Container directly:

from pylabrobot.resources import Container
container = Container(name="container", size_x=10, size_y=10, size_z=10)
# volume is computed by assuming the container is a cuboid, and can be adjusted with the max_volume
# parameter

ItemizedResource: Resources that contain items in a grid#

Resources that contain items in a grid are subclasses of pylabrobot.resources.itemized_resource.ItemizedResource. This class provides convenient methods for accessing the child-resources, such as by integer or SBS “A1” style-notation, as well as for traversing items in an ItemizedResource. Examples of subclasses of ItemizedResources are pylabrobot.resources.plate.Plate and pylabrobot.resources.tip_rack.TipRack.

To instantiate an ItemizedResource, it is convenient to use the pylabrobot.resources.utils.create_equally_spaced_2d method to quickly initialize a grid of child-resources in a grid. Here’s an example of a simple ItemizedResource:

from pylabrobot.resources import ItemizedResource
from pylabrobot.resources.utils import create_equally_spaced_2d
from pylabrobot.resources.well import Well, WellBottomType

plate = ItemizedResource(
    Well,                            # the class of the items
    dx=12,                           # distance between the first well and the border in the x-axis
    dy=12,                           # distance between the first well and the border in the y-axis
    dz=0,                            # distance between the first well and the border in the z-axis
    item_dx=9,                       # distance between the wells in the x-axis
    item_dy=9,                       # distance between the wells in the y-axis

    bottom_type=WellBottomType.FLAT, # a custom keyword argument passed to the Well initializer

Saving and loading resources#

PyLabRobot provide utilities to save and load resources and their states to and from files, as well as to serialize and deserialize resources and their states to and from Python dictionaries.


Saving to and loading from a file#

Resource definitions, that includes deck definitions, can be saved to and loaded from a file using the and pylabrobot.resources.Resource.load methods. The file format is JSON.

To save a resource to a file:"resource.json")

This will create a file resource.json with the resource definition.

  "name": "resource",
  "type": "Resource",
  "size_x": 10,
  "size_y": 10,
  "size_z": 10,
  "location": null,
  "category": null,
  "model": null,
  "children": [],
  "parent_name": null

To load the resource from the file:

resource = Resource.load_from_json_file("resource.json")

Serialization and deserialization#

To simply serialize a resource to a Python dictionary:

resource_dict = resource.serialize()

To load a resource from a Python dictionary:

resource = Resource.deserialize(resource_dict)


Each Resource is responsible for managing its own state, as deep down in the arborescence as possible (eg a Well instead of a Plate). The state of a resource is a Python dictionary that contains all the information necessary to restore the resource to a given state as far as PyLabRobot is concerned. This includes the liquids in a container, the presence of tips in a tip rack, and so on.

Serializing and deserializing state#

The state of a single resource, that includes the volume of a container, can be serialized to and deserialized from a Python dictionary using the pylabrobot.resources.Resource.serialize_state and pylabrobot.resources.Resource.deserialize_state methods.

To serialize the state of a resource:

from pylabrobot.resources import Container
c = Container(name="container", size_x=10, size_y=10, size_z=10)

This will return a dictionary with the state of the resource:

{ "liquids": [], "pending_liquids": [] }

To deserialize the state of a resource:

c = Container(name="container", size_x=10, size_y=10, size_z=10)
c.load_state({ "liquids": [], "pending_liquids": [] })

This is convenient if you want to use PLR state in your own state management system, or save to a database.

Note that above, only the state of a single resource is serialized. If you want to serialize the state of a resource and all its children, you can use the pylabrobot.resources.Resource.serialize_all_state() and pylabrobot.resources.Resource.load_all_state() methods. These methods are used internally by the save_state_to_file and load_state_from_file methods.

Saving and loading state to and from a file#

The state of a resource, that includes the volume of a container, can be saved to and loaded from a file using the pylabrobot.resources.Resource.save_state_to_file and pylabrobot.resources.Resource.load_state_from_file methods. The file format is JSON.

To save the state of a resource to a file:


By default, a Resource will not have a state:


If you had serialized a pylabrobot.resources.Container with a volume of 1000 uL, the file would look like this:

{ "liquids": [], "pending_liquids": [] }

To load the state of a resource from a file:
