
Resources that contain items in a grid are subclasses of pylabrobot.resources.itemized_resource.ItemizedResource. This class provides convenient methods for accessing the child-resources, such as by integer or SBS “A1” style-notation, as well as for traversing items in an ItemizedResource. Examples of subclasses of ItemizedResources are pylabrobot.resources.plate.Plate and pylabrobot.resources.tip_rack.TipRack.

To instantiate an ItemizedResource, it is convenient to use the pylabrobot.resources.utils.create_equally_spaced_2d method to quickly initialize a grid of child-resources in a grid. Here’s an example of a simple ItemizedResource:

from pylabrobot.resources import ItemizedResource
from pylabrobot.resources.utils import create_equally_spaced_2d
from pylabrobot.resources.well import Well, WellBottomType

plate = ItemizedResource(
    Well,                            # the class of the items
    dx=12,                           # distance between the first well and the border in the x-axis
    dy=12,                           # distance between the first well and the border in the y-axis
    dz=0,                            # distance between the first well and the border in the z-axis
    item_dx=9,                       # distance between the wells in the x-axis
    item_dy=9,                       # distance between the wells in the y-axis

    bottom_type=WellBottomType.FLAT, # a custom keyword argument passed to the Well initializer