
Plate.get_items(identifiers: str | Sequence[int] | Sequence[str]) List[T]#

Get the items with the given identifier.

  • identifier – Deprecated. Use identifiers instead. # TODO(deprecate-ordered-items)

  • identifiers (str | Sequence[int] | Sequence[str]) – The identifiers of the items. Either a string range or a list of integers. If a string, it uses transposed MS Excel style notation. Regions of items can be specified using a colon, e.g. “A1:H1” for the first column. If a list of integers, it is the indices of the items in the list of items (counted from 0, top to bottom, left to right).

Return type:



Getting the items with identifiers “A1” through “E1”:

>>> items.get_items("A1:E1")

[<Item A1>, <Item B1>, <Item C1>, <Item D1>, <Item E1>]

Getting the items with identifiers 0 through 4:

>>> items.get_items(range(5))

[<Item A1>, <Item B1>, <Item C1>, <Item D1>, <Item E1>]