
Plate.set_well_liquids(liquids: List[List[Tuple[Liquid | None, int | float]]] | List[Tuple[Liquid | None, int | float]] | Tuple[Liquid | None, int | float]) None#

Update the liquid in the volume tracker for each well in the plate.


liquids (List[List[Tuple[Liquid | None, int | float]]] | List[Tuple[Liquid | None, int | float]] | Tuple[Liquid | None, int | float]) – A list of liquids, one for each well in the plate. The list can be a list of lists, where each inner list contains the liquids for each well in a column. If a single tuple is given, the volume is assumed to be the same for all wells. Liquids are in uL.


ValueError – If the number of liquids does not match the number of wells in the plate.

Return type:



Set the volume of each well in a 96-well plate to 10 uL.

>>> plate = Plate("plate", 127.76, 85.48, 14.5, num_items_x=12, num_items_y=8)
>>> plate.set_well_liquids((Liquid.WATER, 10))