
async STAR.move_resource(move: Move, use_arm: Literal['iswap', 'core'] = 'iswap', channel_1: int = 7, channel_2: int = 8, core_grip_strength: int = 15, return_core_gripper: bool = True)#

Move a resource.

  • move (Move) – The move to perform.

  • use_arm (Literal['iswap', 'core']) – Which arm to use. Either “iswap” or “core”.

  • channel_1 (int) – The first channel to use with the core arm. Only used if use_arm is “core”.

  • channel_2 (int) – The second channel to use with the core arm. Only used if use_arm is “core”.

  • core_grip_strength (int) – The grip strength to use with the core arm. Only used if use_arm is “core”.

  • return_core_gripper (bool) – Whether to return the core gripper to the home position after the move. Only used if use_arm is “core”.