
class pylabrobot.liquid_handling.standard.Move(resource: Resource, destination: Coordinate, intermediate_locations: List[Coordinate] = <factory>, resource_offset: Coordinate = <factory>, destination_offset: Coordinate = <factory>, pickup_distance_from_top: float = 0, get_direction: GripDirection = GripDirection.FRONT, put_direction: GripDirection = GripDirection.FRONT)#

Bases: object

  • resource (Resource) – The resource to move.

  • destination (Coordinate) – The destination of the move.

  • resource_offset (Coordinate) – The offset of the resource.

  • destination_offset (Coordinate) – The offset of the destination.

  • pickup_distance_from_top (float) – The distance from the top of the resource to pick up from.

  • get_direction (GripDirection) – The direction from which to grab the resource.

  • put_direction (GripDirection) – The direction from which to put the resource.
