
async STAR.initialize_core_96_head(x_position: int = 2321, x_direction: int = 1, y_position: int = 1103, z_deposit_position: int = 1890, z_position_at_the_command_end: int = 2450)#

Initialize CoRe 96 Head

Initialize CoRe 96 Head. Dependent to configuration initialization change.

  • x_position (int) – X-Position [0.1mm] (discard position of tip A1). Must be between 0 and 30000. Default 0.

  • x_direction (int) – X-direction. 0 = positive 1 = negative. Must be between 0 and 1. Default 0.

  • y_position (int) – Y-Position [0.1mm] (discard position of tip A1 ). Must be between 1054 and 5743. Default 5743.

  • z_deposit_position_[0.1mm] – Z- deposit position [0.1mm] (collar bearing position). Must be between 0 and 3425. Default 3425.

  • z_position_at_the_command_end (int) – Z-Position at the command end [0.1mm]. Must be between 0 and 3425. Default 3425.

  • z_deposit_position (int)