
async STAR.core_pick_up_resource(resource: Resource, pickup_distance_from_top: float, offset: Coordinate = Coordinate(x=0, y=0, z=0), minimum_traverse_height_at_beginning_of_a_command: float | None = None, minimum_z_position_at_the_command_end: float | None = None, grip_strength: int = 15, z_speed: float = 50.0, y_gripping_speed: float = 5.0, channel_1: int = 7, channel_2: int = 8)#

Pick up resource with CoRe gripper tool Low level component of move_resource()

  • resource (Resource) – Resource to pick up.

  • offset (Coordinate) – Offset from resource position in mm.

  • pickup_distance_from_top (float) – Distance from top of resource to pick up.

  • minimum_traverse_height_at_beginning_of_a_command (float | None) – Minimum traverse height at beginning of a command [mm] (refers to all channels independent of tip pattern parameter ‘tm’). Must be between 0 and 360.

  • grip_strength (int) – Grip strength (0 = weak, 99 = strong). Must be between 0 and 99. Default 15.

  • z_speed (float) – Z speed [mm/s]. Must be between 0.4 and 128.7. Default 50.0.

  • y_gripping_speed (float) – Y gripping speed [mm/s]. Must be between 0 and 370.0. Default 5.0.

  • channel_1 (int) – Channel 1. Must be between 0 and self._num_channels - 1. Default 7.

  • channel_2 (int) – Channel 2. Must be between 1 and self._num_channels. Default 8.

  • minimum_z_position_at_the_command_end (float | None)