
async Vantage.dispense(ops: List[SingleChannelDispense], use_channels: List[int], jet: List[bool] | None = None, blow_out: List[bool] | None = None, empty: List[bool] | None = None, hlcs: List[HamiltonLiquidClass | None] | None = None, type_of_dispensing_mode: List[int] | None = None, minimum_height: List[float] | None = None, pull_out_distance_to_take_transport_air_in_function_without_lld: List[float] | None = None, immersion_depth: List[float] | None = None, surface_following_distance: List[float] | None = None, tube_2nd_section_height_measured_from_zm: List[float] | None = None, tube_2nd_section_ratio: List[float] | None = None, minimal_traverse_height_at_begin_of_command: List[float] | None = None, minimal_height_at_command_end: List[float] | None = None, lld_search_height: List[float] | None = None, cut_off_speed: List[float] | None = None, stop_back_volume: List[float] | None = None, transport_air_volume: List[float] | None = None, lld_mode: List[int] | None = None, side_touch_off_distance: float = 0, dispense_position_above_z_touch_off: List[float] | None = None, lld_sensitivity: List[int] | None = None, pressure_lld_sensitivity: List[int] | None = None, swap_speed: List[float] | None = None, settling_time: List[float] | None = None, mix_volume: List[float] | None = None, mix_cycles: List[int] | None = None, mix_position_in_z_direction_from_liquid_surface: List[float] | None = None, mix_speed: List[float] | None = None, surface_following_distance_during_mixing: List[float] | None = None, TODO_DD_2: List[int] | None = None, tadm_algorithm_on_off: int = 0, limit_curve_index: List[int] | None = None, recording_mode: int = 0)#

Dispense to (a) resource(s).

See pip_dispense() (the firmware command) for parameter documentation. This method serves as a wrapper for that command, and will convert operations into the appropriate format. This method additionally provides default values based on firmware instructions sent by Venus on Vantage, rather than machine default values (which are often not what you want).

  • ops (List[SingleChannelDispense]) – The aspiration operations.

  • use_channels (List[int]) – The channels to use.

  • hlcs (List[HamiltonLiquidClass | None] | None) – The Hamiltonian liquid classes to use. If None, the liquid classes will be determined automatically based on the tip and liquid used.

  • jet (List[bool] | None) – Whether to use jetting for each dispense. Defaults to False for all. Used for determining the dispense mode. True for dispense mode 0 or 1.

  • blow_out (List[bool] | None) – Whether to use “blow out” dispense mode for each dispense. Defaults to False for all. This is labelled as “empty” in the VENUS liquid editor, but “blow out” in the firmware documentation. True for dispense mode 1 or 3.

  • empty (List[bool] | None) – Whether to use “empty” dispense mode for each dispense. Defaults to False for all. Truly empty the tip, not available in the VENUS liquid editor, but is in the firmware documentation. Dispense mode 4.

  • type_of_dispensing_mode (List[int] | None)

  • minimum_height (List[float] | None)

  • pull_out_distance_to_take_transport_air_in_function_without_lld (List[float] | None)

  • immersion_depth (List[float] | None)

  • surface_following_distance (List[float] | None)

  • tube_2nd_section_height_measured_from_zm (List[float] | None)

  • tube_2nd_section_ratio (List[float] | None)

  • minimal_traverse_height_at_begin_of_command (List[float] | None)

  • minimal_height_at_command_end (List[float] | None)

  • lld_search_height (List[float] | None)

  • cut_off_speed (List[float] | None)

  • stop_back_volume (List[float] | None)

  • transport_air_volume (List[float] | None)

  • lld_mode (List[int] | None)

  • side_touch_off_distance (float)

  • dispense_position_above_z_touch_off (List[float] | None)

  • lld_sensitivity (List[int] | None)

  • pressure_lld_sensitivity (List[int] | None)

  • swap_speed (List[float] | None)

  • settling_time (List[float] | None)

  • mix_volume (List[float] | None)

  • mix_cycles (List[int] | None)

  • mix_position_in_z_direction_from_liquid_surface (List[float] | None)

  • mix_speed (List[float] | None)

  • surface_following_distance_during_mixing (List[float] | None)

  • TODO_DD_2 (List[int] | None)

  • tadm_algorithm_on_off (int)

  • limit_curve_index (List[int] | None)

  • recording_mode (int)