
async STAR.core_check_resource_exists_at_location_center(location: Coordinate, resource: Resource, gripper_y_margin: float = 0.5, offset: Coordinate = Coordinate(x=0, y=0, z=0), minimum_traverse_height_at_beginning_of_a_command: float = 275.0, z_position_at_the_command_end: float = 275.0, enable_recovery: bool = True, audio_feedback: bool = True) bool#

Check existence of resource with CoRe gripper tool a “Get plate using CO-RE gripper” + error handling Which channels are used for resource check is dependent on which channels have been used for STAR.get_core(p1: int, p2: int) which is a prerequisite for this check function.

  • location (Coordinate) – Location to check for resource

  • resource (Resource) – Resource to check for.

  • resource – and the grippers during “bumping” / checking

  • offset (Coordinate) – Offset from resource position in mm.

  • minimum_traverse_height_at_beginning_of_a_command (float) – Minimum traverse height at beginning of a command [mm] (refers to all channels independent of tip pattern parameter ‘tm’). Must be between 0 and 360.0.

  • z_position_at_the_command_end (float) – Minimum z-Position at end of a command [mm] (refers to all channels independent of tip pattern parameter ‘tm’). Must be between 0 and 360.0.

  • enable_recovery (bool) – if True will ask for user input if resource was not found

  • audio_feedback (bool) – enable controlling computer to emit different sounds when finding/not finding the resource

  • gripper_y_margin (float)


True if resource was found, False if resource was not found

Return type:
