- async STAR.step_off_foil(well: Well, front_channel: int, back_channel: int, move_inwards: float = 2, move_height: float = 15)#
Hold down a plate by placing two channels on the edges of a plate that is sealed with foil while moving up the channels that are still within the foil. This is useful when, for example, aspirating from a plate that is sealed: without holding it down, the tips might get stuck in the plate and move it up when retracting. Putting plates on the edge prevents this.
When aspirating or dispensing in the foil, be sure to set the
parameter inlh.aspirate
to a value in the foil. You might want to use something likewell = plate.get_well("A3") await wc.lh.aspirate( [well]*4, vols=[100]*4, use_channels=[7,8,9,10], min_z_endpos=well.get_absolute_location(z="cavity_bottom").z, surface_following_distance=0, pull_out_distance_transport_air=[0] * 4) await step_off_foil(lh.backend, well, front_channel=11, back_channel=6, move_inwards = 3)
- Parameters:
well (Well) – Well in the plate to hold down. (x-coordinate of channels will be at center of well).
front_channel (int) – The channel to place on the front of the plate.
back_channel (int) – The channel to place on the back of the plate.
move_inwards (float) – mm to move inwards (backward on the front channel; frontward on the back).
move_height (float) – mm to move upwards after piercing the foil. front_channel and back_channel will hold the plate down.